
The Murmuration

Each week, Starling sends you bite-sized learning on essential leadership skills and work-life balance. Join hundreds of mid-level professionals just like you who are learning to lead with their best selves!

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Beat Decision Fatigue & Find your Next Mentor

Got this as a forward? Subscribe. Curious about Starling? Learn more. Content getting cut off? View in browser. Hi Reader, Welcome to another edition of "I Can't Decide What The Subject of This Newsletter Should Be." Speaking of decisions, did you know we make about 35,000 of them daily? That's more choices than gold medals in Simon Biles’ trophy case! But fear not because this week, we're diving into the world of decision fatigue and how to conquer it. We'll also explore the art of finding a...

Got this as a forward? Subscribe. Curious about Starling? Learn more. Content getting cut off? View in browser. Hi Reader, Happy Brad Stulberg Day! That’s a thing I just made up in honor of our members-only fireside chat, happening today at 12PM ET. There’s still chance to join if you just had a meeting cancel, just head on over to our website: Get the Special Discount for Brad Fans Then I promise I’ll stop talking about it (maybe). If you can’t make it and you’re intrested in five fun facts...

Got this as a forward? Subscribe. Curious about Starling? Learn more. Content getting cut off? View in browser. Hi Reader, I’m told that in marketing, there’s a thing called the Rule of 7 that says people need to be exposed to things seven times before making a decision. So here goes nothing… In case you just fell out of a coconut tree, we’re hosting author Brad Stulberg for a fireside chat next Thursday, August 1st, at 12 PM ET, and we hope you’ll come! We’ll be chatting about his latest...

Got this as a forward? Subscribe. Curious about Starling? Learn more. Content getting cut off? View in browser. Hi Reader, Another week, another opportunity to quote Brad Stulberg—truly, it never gets old. This week we're talking about "non-dual thinking," which is a theme in his work: Wanna hear more? Sign up for membership and come to our Fireside Chat with The Man Himself on August 1st! Get the Special Discount for Brad Fans In the meantime, enjoy this week’s edition of The Murmuration......

Got this as a forward? Subscribe. Curious about Starling? Learn more. Content getting cut off? View in browser. Hi Reader, A new subscriber recently shared that one challenge she faces at work is navigating departmental silos, and it really resonated with me. Why does this seem to be a problem everywhere? We’re discussing it below, along with something that’s been on my mind since attending Harvard’s Leadership & Happiness Symposium a couple of weeks ago (I promise I’ll stop talking about it...

Got this as a forward? Subscribe. Curious about Starling? Learn more. Content getting cut off? View in browser. Hi Reader, I have been dying to tell you this all week: Best-selling author Brad Stulberg is coming to Starling!! I first became a fan a few years back, only a few pages into his book The Practice of Groundedness. You’ve probably heard me quote it. If you haven’t, read on below because I quote it today. Somehow, his most recent book Master of Change is as good (if not better) and...

Got this as a forward? Subscribe. Curious about Starling? Learn more. Content getting cut off? View in browser. Hi Reader, I’m lucky enough to have the opportunity to be in Cambridge, MA this week for the Leadership & Happiness Symposium hosted by Arthur Brooks at Harvard. I can’t wait to soak up what these incredible speakers and attendees have to share and look forward to sharing insights with you in the weeks to come. We also have some big news this week—check out our community section...

Got this as a forward? Subscribe. Curious about Starling? Learn more. Content getting cut off? View in browser. Hi Reader, Hot on the heels of our Rethinking the Review event, we’re doubling down with even more advice on how to do performance reviews better. Why? Because they are massively important. Not only because—when done right—they can improve financial outcomes for the business, but because—for better or worse—many companies tie compensation and promotion decisions directly to...

Got this as a forward? Subscribe. Curious about Starling? Learn more. Content getting cut off? View in browser. Hi Reader, Did you know that 64% of employees see performance reviews as a "partial or complete waste of time that doesn't help them perform better”? YIKES. We’re hosting an open-to-the-public event today at 12:00 PM ET on how to do better with Drew Fifield, Head of Global Talent Development at Axonius. Even if you can’t make it, RSVP, and we’ll send you the recording. In the...

Got this as a forward? Subscribe. Curious about Starling? Learn more. Content getting cut off? View in browser. Hi Reader, Have a topic you’d like to see covered in The Murmuration? Just hit that big ol’ reply button and let us know—we love responding to reader suggestions and have received some great ones recently. In the meantime, let’s get right to it, shall we? Enjoy this edition! Each week, we share an applied tip or did-you-know to help you build knowledge and hone essential skills that...